Search Results for “Alien”

  1. Critters


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    Critters is a 1986 creature movie best known for being one of the many Gremlins rip-offs. But unlike similar rip-offs like Ghoulies, Munchies and Hobgoblins, Critters is actually a good movie. I was kind of surprised myself. It always looked to me like a cheap B-movie that favors gore over quality. But the I was…

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  2. Spider-Man: Homecoming

    Spider-Man: Homecoming

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    Spider-Man: Homecoming is the first solo outing of Spider-Man in the M.C.U. The cinematic universe to which all of the Avengers related movies belong. Spider-man always was Marvel’s biggest property, but the rights to the character belong to Sony. Sony made 2 good Spider-Man movies, 2 bad Spider-man movies and somewhere in the middle is…

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  3. Blue Movie

    Blue Movie


    Blue Movie is een film die maar weinig mensen tegenwoordig wat zal zeggen. Dat was wel anders toen hij in de bioscoop verscheen. Deze film stond namelijk aan het begin van de Nederlandse film zoals die voornamelijk in de jaren 70 en 80 gemaakt werden. Films vol met bloot, seks en grof taalgebruik. Dat zorgde…

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  4. Black Panther

    Black Panther

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    Black Panther is the 18th movie in the incredible successful Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). It revolves around the titular character of T’Challa/Black Panther whom we first met in Captain America: Civil War two years ago. Following the events in that movie, Black Panther deals with T’Challa rising to the throne is his country Wakanda; an…

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  5. Justice League

    Justice League

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    The Justice League finally assembles in the fifth DC Extended Universe (DCEU) movie. A series of movies plagued by bad reviews, but which are also box-office hits. Only the fourth movie, Wonder Woman, got a positive critical reception. I found Wonder Woman to be entertaining, but not a great movie. Certainly not up to par…

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  6. Jason X

    Jason X

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    Jason X is a guilty pleasure of mine. It has 4.4 score on IMDB but a gave it an 8 at the time. When I gave it that rating there must have been some form of compensation going on there, because this movie is definitely better than the low score it has now. But it’s…

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  7. Star Trek Beyond

    Star Trek Beyond

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    Star Trek Beyond is the third movie in the rebooted Star Trek franchise that started with an origin story in 2009’s Star Trek and was followed by Star Trek: Into Darkness. They were apparently both successful enough to warrant another sequel. I have just seen this movie even if has been available for months now…

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  8. Suicide Squad

    Suicide Squad

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    In Batman Begins Alfred asks a young Bruce Wayne why people fall. “To get up again” is the answer. Young master Bruce learned in that movie what the movie studio Warner Brothers are learning the hard way by now in real life: that you should learn from your mistakes. Sadly, they appear to be somewhat…

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  9. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

    Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

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    One of the problems I have with a lot of superhero movies and several other properties like Transformers is that at the finale always revolves around some big bad destroying a big city with the fate of the world hanging in the balance. Take the 2 Avengers movies for instance: both deal with an non-human…

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  10. Hellraiser: Hellworld (2005)

    Hellraiser: Hellworld

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    The depiction of computers and everything directly related to them in movies: something which has puzzled me for some time now. The time when computers where these magical machines where you would type something in and stuff would happen has been long gone. Hollywood has been using the mystique of the computer for decades now…

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  11. Hellraiser: Bloodline

    Hellraiser: Bloodline

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    Space, the final frontier as Star Trek so elegantly put it, is a location where some of the greatest horror movies have taken place. Think about Alien for instance. Sadly it’s also a location that has been used on many occasions when writers of long-running horror franchises couldn’t think of new ideas for their umpteenth…

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  12. Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth

    Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth

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    In my review for Hellbound: Hellraiser II I mentioned that that movie is looked upon more favorably now than it was at the time of its release. It’s the only sequel to the original movie that has the same tone and atmosphere and respects the rules. Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth is a direct sequel…

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